Quarantine Coffee Talk Show 4 Notes Soil Sun and Slow Down

There’s Still Plenty of this at the Grocery Store

Dry Roasted Lions Mane Mushrooms

Red Curry Ramen, MNA member Jessica Idleman

I’m Not Cooking Tonight

Artichoke Hummus, MNA member Heather Page

The Flavor Bible

Toxic Tidbit

EWG on Sunscreen

Blissoma Holistic Skin Care in St. Louis

Food Crimes! Are You Doing it Right?

Produce storage, what goes where

Colony Co, reusable produce and storage bags

Book Club

Dirt Cure by Maya Shetreat Klein MD

Red Curry Ramen

The bright heat, earthy spices, and loads of full spectrum vegetables, makes this the perfect dish to celebrate the soil, sun, and (as long as you eat this with chopsticks) slow down.
