Current Volunteer Opportunities at the MNA
Marketing detail
We could use assistance with curating content and events for the MNA social media presence and community calendar. We also could use assistance with distribution of a newsletter filled with member content, recipes, events, blogs, etc.
Contact Heather Page:
Community Connector
Meetup hosts are needed everywhere. Connect with other health coaches and nutrition professionals in your area by coordinating a meetup at a local coffee house, health food store, or park. Meetups are for members and nonmembers as a means to survey growth and demand of our sector and provide education on advocacy opportunities.
MNA Networker
We are always looking for partnership opportunities as a means to fund raise and mobilize our mission. The MNA asks all members to seek opportunity to educate in your area. Connecting with local businesses, churches, nonprofits, and other like-minded providers is a way to grow our professional partners program, volunteer program and community outreach programs.