The primary goal of the Missouri Nutrition Alliance is to unite health professionals in an effort to provide our local communities with real food education. With 37% of our state’s population facing obesity, and close to 12% of our population living with a diabetes diagnosis, we know the time to come together is now.

With your help and the help of other professionals like you, we vow to raise awareness of the value of whole food nutrition in an effort to impact the current statistics on metabolic disease.  

Not just anyone is qualified to partner with the Missouri Nutrition Alliance. Our professional partners are aligned in our organization’s mission. They acknowledge the value of having nutrition experts and health coaches as a resource for their own practice, and vow to use our member directory as a tool to assist in their client/patient wellness plans.

MNA partners support our events or can make annual contributions to our organization to help support our mission. Referrals and discounts to MNA professional members for partner services, and/or donating space for community events are additional examples of ways our partners may support the MNA. 

We ask that our Partners go to https://www.missourinutritionalliance.org/getinvolved to make a contribution best suited for our partnership or as discussed between you and your MNA member/sponsor.  

In exchange professional partners are listed on the MNA partner directory. In addition our partners, as well as their events, are cross promoted to our members and the MNA community. MNA members prioritize MNA professional partner referrals knowing they are referring to like minded practitioners who value scope of practice and community wellness.

On behalf of the community to which you serve as well as our organization, we thank you for your support and are excited to strengthen the health of our communities in partnership with you.

 Respectfully in health -The MNA