Chicken Cauli Fried Rice
Submitted by Heather Page
1/4 c coconut oil
2 lbs boneless chicken thighs, cut into 11/2-inch pieces
1/2 each red, green or yellow (or a mixture) bell
peppers, diced
1 medium onion, diced
11/2 cups green peas or green beans, cut into 2” pieces
4 cups riced cauliflower
1/4 cup coconut aminos
2 teaspoons fish sauce
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon unrefined sea salt
2 eggs, whisked
Salt to taste.
1. Heat oil in sauté pan. Add onion and peppers and
sauté for 5 minutes.
2. Pour chicken, half the amount of coconut aminos,
ginger and fish sauce in pan and cook, stirring
continuously until chicken is cooked on all sides,
about 5 minutes.
3. Add riced cauliflower and peas/beans and remaining
coconut aminos and cook through until peas/beans
are tender.
4. Whisk eggs in a separate bowl and add to mixture. Stir
until eggs are cooked through.
5. Remove from heat. Season/salt to taste.
Note: You can sub riced broccoli stalks for the peas. Just add in at start with onion and peppers.